IELTS TASK 1 Sample Answers

نمونه رایتینگ تسک یک آکادمیک آیلتس (کمبریج 16) IELTS WRITING TASK1

چهار قدم مهم در رایتینگ تسک یک آکادمیک آیلتس


select & report the main features

اولین قدم نگاه درست به چارت و انتخاب اتفاقات و پیامهای مهم است.  


make comparisons where relevant

در مرحله بعد ببینید کدام اطلاعات به یکدیگر ربط دارند و می‌توانید آنها را با هم مقایسه کنید.


Write a complete overview

فکر کنید چگونه یک مقایسه کلی بین همه اطلاعات می‌توانید انجام دهید که در آن هیچ جزییاتی ذکر نشود.


support your overview

و در آخر به بهترین شکل ممکن آنچه در overview گفتید را با ذکر اعداد و ارقام ساپورت کنید و در جای درست مقایسه‌ها را انجام دهید.

با توجه به توضیحات بالا نمونه پاسخ‌های رایتینگ تسک یک آکادمیک آیلتس از کتاب کمبریج 16 را که در زیر آمده بخوانید و نکات زیر را بررسی کنید:

  • آیا در overview مقایسه کلی انجام شده است؟
  • جزییات در overview دیده می‌شود؟
  • به همه main features اشاره شده است؟ به درستی حمایت شده‌اند؟
  •  overview به صورت کامل support شده است؟
  • در جای درست مقایسه صورت گرفته است؟
  • از چه کلمات و ساختارهای گرامری برای بیان همه موارد بالا استفاده شده است؟

هر چه از این نمونه رایتینگ‌ها یاد گرفتید یادداشت برداری کنید و سعی کنید در قالب جمله و یا پاراگراف در رایتینگ‌های تسک یک آیلتس خود از آنها استفاده کنید.

Cambridge 16, Test1

The charts below show the changes in ownership of electrical appliances and amount of time spent doing housework in households in one country between 1920 and 2019. 

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Cambridge IELTS 16 Test 1 ac

Model Answer:

پاراگراف مقدمه

The line graphs illustrate electrical appliances ownership, and how much time is spent doing housework in households in a country from 1920 to 2019. Overall, as the ownership of washing machines, refrigerators, and vacuum cleaners increased, less time has been spent on laundry, cleaning, and cooking.

پاراگراف بدنه
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Regarding the appliances ownership, all three devices had a significant rise. Although few households had a refrigerator in 1920, this rose dramatically up to 1980, reaching 100% and then remained at this figure till 2019. Similarly, 30% of households owned a vacuum cleaner in 1920, which increased almost steadily to reach 100% from 2000 onwards. The rise in washing machine ownership was the slowest, with a 20% increase in the first 40 years, followed by a slight dip in 1980. However, from 1980 onwards, this machine was used more in houses (a little more than 70% in 2019).

پاراگراف بدنه
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On the other hand, correspondingly, the time spent on house chores decreased significantly over the period. While households spent about 50 hours per week doing house chores in 1920, by 1960 this figure had dropped to 20 hours, and from this year on the decline was more slowly, falling to its minimum at about 10 hours a week in 2019.  

Cambridge 16, Test2

The diagram below shows the manufacturing process for making sugar from sugar cane.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Cambridge 16 Test 2

Model Answer:

The process diagram outlines the steps involved in the production of  sugar from sugar cane. Overall, there are two main stages, commencing with farming sugar cane and then processing it to have the final product.

The initial stage involves the planting and growth of sugar cane over a period of 12-18 months. There are two methods of harvesting the crop, namely modern mechanized technique utilizing a combine machine and a traditional manual method employing a sickle. Following this step, the harvested crop will be crushed, using a crushing machine, and the output, which is a kind of juice, in the second stage will be purified by going through a Limestone filter. Then, this juice has to be heated in a boiler to evaporate its water, forming a syrup-like substance. The subsequent step involves the use of a centrifuge, which rapidly spins the syrup to separate out the sugar crystals from it. Finally, the separated sugar should be dried and cooled to be ready for use.

Following this step, the harvested crop will be crushed, using a crushing machine, and the output, a kind of juice, in the second stage will be purified by going through a Limestone filter. Then, this juice has to be heated in a boiler to evaporate its water, forming a syrup-like substance. The subsequent step involves the use of a centrifuge, which rapidly spins the syrup to separate out the sugar crystals from it. Finally, the separated sugar should be dried and cooled to be ready for use.

پاراگراف مقدمه
پاراگراف بدنه
Body Paragraph 1

بررسی نمونه رایتینگ تسک یک آکادمیک آیلتس

Cambridge 16, Test3

The plans below show the site of an airport now and how it will look after redevelopment next year.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Model Answer:

The two plans show Southwest airport now and its redevelopment program for next year. Overall, it will have far more gates, and more facilities will provide service to passengers, making the airport a more convenient place. 

Today, there are only eight gates which can be accessed through a walkway by passengers. While the departure area has a check-in counter and cafe, the arrivals has nothing but a passport control and a customs office. The passport control is also available in the departures with a security check. 

After redevelopments, passengers can enjoy reaching the 18 gates, arranged in a Y shape, by a sky train. Moreover, a bag drop service has been added to the departure lounge; whereas, the cafe and check-in have been relocated to their opposite side. Having passed the security check, passengers can shop from the stores before boarding. The number of entrances has also been doubled in both arrivals and departures to enter and exit easily. Passengers can benefit from a number of useful services added to the arrival lounge. They can hire a car from a car rental located near the exit doors or order a drink from a cafe on the other side of the lounge. There is also an ATM machine installed in this lounge, serving passengers to do their transactions. 

پاراگراف مقدمه
پاراگراف بدنه
Body Paragraph 1
پاراگراف بدنه
Body Paragraph 2

Cambridge 16, Test4

The diagram below shows the process for recycling plastic bottles.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

تست چهارم کمبریج 16

Model Answer:

پاراگراف مقدمه

The diagram shows different steps of a circular process in which plastic bottles are recycled. Overall, there are three main stages, commencing from collecting and sorting plastic bottles, processing them to have the raw material, and then producing the final product.

پاراگراف بدنه
body 1

In the first stage, people put their plastic bottles into recycle bins which are collected by garbage trucks and taken to a recycling center. Then, these bottles have to be sorted out by workers. Following this, bottles will be compressed into blocks to be prepared for the crushing process by passing through gears. After this step, the crushed pieces will be washed. Next, a machine will cut the pieces into plastic pellets which are going to be heated to produce the raw material in order to use in the production of end products such as pens, plastic boxes, bottles, and recycle bins. Once people use the plastic bottles, the same cycle will be repeated.

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