نمونه پاسخ اسپیکینگ آیلتس تست‌های کمبریج 18 با نمره بالا

Cambridge 18 Test 1 Speaking

Part 1

What kinds of bills do you have to pay?

I have to pay fixed bills like rent, car payments, and mortgage, as well as variable bills like electricity, water, and gas. I also have to pay occasional bills like medical bills, insurance premiums, and taxes.

How do you usually pay your bills – in cash or by another method?

I typically pay bills using methods such as online banking, mobile banking apps. It’s fast and convenient.

Have you ever forgotten to pay a bill?

Yes, unfortunately, I have forgotten to pay a bill before. It was a credit card bill, and I usually paid it online, but I forgot to set up the payment before the due date. I didn’t realize my mistake until I received a late payment notice with additional fees and interest added to my balance. It was a frustrating and costly mistake, but it taught me the importance of staying organized and setting up automatic payments whenever possible to avoid forgetting to pay bills on time.

Is there anything you could do to make your bills cheaper?

Yes, there are several things that can be done to make bills cheaper. For example, one can negotiate with service providers to get a better deal or switch to a different provider that offers more competitive rates. Energy bills can be reduced by using energy-efficient appliances, turning off lights and electronics when not in use, and adjusting the thermostat. Water bills can be reduced by fixing leaky faucets and using low-flow showerheads and toilets. Insurance premiums can be reduced by increasing the deductible or shopping around for better rates. Finally, one can also reduce bills by minimizing unnecessary expenses and adopting a frugal lifestyle.

Overall, there are many strategies that can be employed to reduce bills, and it’s important to explore all options and make informed decisions to save money and improve financial well-being.

Part 2

Describe some food or drink that you learned to prepare.

You should say:

what foo or drink you learned to prepare

when and where you learned to prepare this

how you learned to prepare this

and explain how you felt about learning to prepare this food or drink

One food that I learned to prepare recently is “khoresht-e sabzi,” a traditional Persian dish. To be honest, it’s a difiicult dish to cook because “khoresht-e sabzi” is a rich and flavorful stew that is typically served over steamed white rice. The dish has a deep green color and a complex, herbal flavor that is both savory and slightly sour, which demands experience to prepare. I had always loved eating it at my mom’s house, but I had never tried making it myself until a few months ago.

I learned to prepare this dish in my own kitchen, using a recipe that my mom had sent me. She had learned to make it from her own mother, who was an excellent cook, and she had passed down the recipe to me.

The process of making “khoresht-e sabzi” was a bit daunting at first because there were so many ingredients to chop and sauté, and I was worried that I might not get the flavors right. However, as I started cooking, I found that the smells and textures of the herbs and spices were very familiar to me, and it was almost like I was channeling my mom’s cooking skills.

By the time the dish was finished, I felt a great sense of pride and accomplishment. It was one thing to enjoy eating “khoresht-e sabzi” at my mom’s house, but it was another thing altogether to be able to make it myself. Plus, it was delicious! I felt like I had unlocked a new level of culinary expertise, and I was excited to continue experimenting with new recipes and techniques. I’m actually going to learn Beryani which is another traditional dish from in my country.

I learned to prepare sushi, a traditional Japanese cuisine, which consists of various ingredients, including seafood, vegetables, and vinegared rice. Sushi can be presented in different forms, such as rolls, nigiri, and sashimi. The most common ingredients are raw fish, avocado, cucumber, and nori (seaweed sheets).

I first learned to prepare sushi while I was studying abroad in Japan during my college years. My host family, who were incredibly warm and hospitable, introduced me to the art of making sushi. They often prepared it for special occasions and family gatherings, and they decided to teach me how to make it as a way of sharing their culture with me.

To make “khoresht-e sabzi,” a popular Persian dish, you’ll need a variety of fresh herbs such as parsley, cilantro, dill, fenugreek, and spinach, as well as other ingredients such as onions, garlic, beef or lamb, and kidney beans.

To prepare the dish, first wash and chop the fresh herbs and sauté them with onions and garlic in oil or butter until they are wilted. Then add the meat and brown it on all sides. Next, add water or broth and let the mixture simmer for a couple of hours until the meat is tender and the flavors have melded together. Finally, add the cooked kidney beans and season the dish with salt, pepper, and other spices to taste.

The resulting “khoresht-e sabzi” is a rich and flavorful stew that is typically served over steamed white rice. The dish has a deep green color and a complex, herbal flavor that is both savory and slightly tart. It is a staple of Persian cuisine and is often enjoyed with a side of yogurt or pickled vegetables.

I learned to prepare sushi, a traditional Japanese cuisine, which consists of various ingredients, including seafood, vegetables, and vinegared rice. Sushi can be presented in different forms, such as rolls, nigiri, and sashimi. The most common ingredients are raw fish, avocado, cucumber, and nori (seaweed sheets).

I first learned to prepare sushi while I was studying abroad in Japan during my college years. My host family, who were incredibly warm and hospitable, introduced me to the art of making sushi. They often prepared it for special occasions and family gatherings, and they decided to teach me how to make it as a way of sharing their culture with me.

To learn the art of sushi making, I attended a hands-on sushi-making class offered by a local culinary school. The class was led by a professional sushi chef who demonstrated various techniques and provided step-by-step instructions. I also practiced at home with my host family, refining my skills and experimenting with different ingredients.

Initially, I found the process of preparing sushi to be quite challenging, as it requires a lot of attention to detail and precise hand movements. However, with practice and perseverance, I gradually became more adept at making sushi rolls and nigiri. I felt a sense of accomplishment and pride as my sushi-making skills improved, and I was able to share this delicious and visually appealing dish with friends and family.

Learning to prepare sushi not only allowed me to discover a new culinary skill but also deepened my appreciation for Japanese culture and traditions. It was a rewarding experience that taught me the importance of patience, attention to detail, and the beauty of sharing a meal with loved ones.

Part 3

What kinds of things can children learn to cook?

Children can learn to cook a variety of dishes depending on their age, interests, and skill level. For younger children, simple recipes like scrambled eggs, pancakes, or grilled cheese sandwiches can be a good starting point. These dishes are easy to make and allow children to practice basic cooking skills like cracking eggs, stirring batter, and flipping food in a pan.

As children get older and more experienced, they can start to learn more complex recipes and techniques. For example, they might learn to make pasta from scratch, bake a cake or cookies, or grill a steak. These dishes require more advanced skills like measuring ingredients, using a stand mixer or food processor, or controlling the temperature of a grill or oven.

In addition to learning specific recipes, children can also learn important life skills through cooking. For example, they can learn about nutrition and healthy eating habits, develop problem-solving skills as they troubleshoot cooking challenges, and practice teamwork and communication skills when cooking with others.

Overall, cooking can be a fun and rewarding activity for children of all ages, and it can help them develop important skills and knowledge that will serve them well throughout their lives.

Do you think it’s important for children to learn to cook?

Yes, I believe that it is important for children to learn to cook. There are several reasons why I think this is the case.

Firstly, cooking is a basic life skill that everyone needs to know in order to take care of themselves. By learning to cook, children can gain a sense of independence and self-sufficiency, and they will be better equipped to make healthy and nutritious meals for themselves as they grow older.

Secondly, cooking can be a fun and rewarding activity that allows children to be creative and experiment with different flavors and ingredients. It can also be a great way for children to bond with their family and friends, as they work together to prepare and enjoy a meal.

Thirdly, cooking is a valuable way for children to learn about different cultures and traditions. By trying out recipes from around the world, children can develop an appreciation for diverse cuisines and gain a better understanding of different ways of life.

Finally, learning to cook can help children develop important skills such as following directions, measuring ingredients, and practicing good hygiene and safety practices in the kitchen. These skills can be useful not only in cooking but also in other areas of life such as school, work, and personal relationships.

Overall, I believe that learning to cook is an important and valuable experience for children, and it can have many benefits that extend beyond the kitchen.

Do you think young people should learn to cook at home or at school?

I believe that young people should learn to cook both at home and at school. Both settings offer unique opportunities for learning and skill development.

At home, young people can learn from their family members and gain practical experience by helping to prepare meals for their household. This can be a valuable way to develop a sense of responsibility and independence, as well as to learn about family traditions and cultural practices related to food.

At school, young people can learn from trained teachers or culinary professionals, who can provide structured lessons and guidance on cooking techniques and safety practices. Cooking classes in school can also expose young people to new ingredients and cuisines that they may not have experienced at home, and can promote an appreciation for healthy and sustainable food choices.

Overall, I think that a combination of home and school-based learning can be the most effective approach to teaching young people about cooking. By learning in both settings, young people can gain a broad range of skills and knowledge that will serve them well in their personal and professional lives.

How enjoyable do you think it would be to work as a professional chef?

Working as a professional chef can be a highly enjoyable and rewarding career for those who are passionate about cooking and food. However, it can also be a demanding and challenging job that requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and creativity.

One of the most enjoyable aspects of working as a professional chef is the opportunity to be creative and innovative in the kitchen. Chefs are constantly experimenting with new recipes, ingredients, and cooking techniques, and they have the ability to create dishes that are not only delicious but also visually appealing and unique.

Another enjoyable aspect of working as a professional chef is the ability to work with a team of like-minded individuals who share a passion for food and cooking. Chefs often work in fast-paced, high-pressure environments, and the ability to collaborate and communicate effectively with others is essential for success.

However, working as a professional chef can also be physically and mentally demanding, with long hours, high stress levels, and intense pressure to produce high-quality dishes consistently. It can also be a highly competitive field, with many talented chefs vying for limited opportunities and recognition.

Overall, while working as a professional chef can be highly enjoyable for those who are passionate about cooking and food, it is also important to recognize that it can be a challenging and demanding career that requires a lot of hard work, perseverance, and dedication.

What skills does a person need to be a great chef?

To be a great chef, a person needs to possess a variety of skills that go beyond just knowing how to cook. Here are some of the key skills that can contribute to success in the culinary industry:

  1. Culinary skills: A great chef must have a deep knowledge of cooking techniques, ingredients, and flavor profiles. They should be able to create dishes that are not only delicious but also visually appealing and well-balanced in terms of texture and flavor.
  1. Creativity: A great chef should be able to experiment with new ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques, and come up with innovative and original dishes that stand out from the competition.
  1. Attention to detail: A great chef must be meticulous and detail-oriented, paying close attention to every aspect of a dish, from the quality and freshness of the ingredients to the presentation and plating of the final product.
  1. Time management: A great chef must be able to work efficiently and manage their time effectively, especially in high-pressure environments such as busy kitchens.
  1. Leadership: A great chef should be able to lead and inspire a team of cooks and kitchen staff, delegating tasks and managing workflows to ensure that everything runs smoothly.
  1. Business acumen: A great chef should have a good understanding of the business side of the culinary industry, including budgeting, cost control, and inventory management.
  1. Communication skills: A great chef must be able to communicate effectively with their team, as well as with customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders in the industry.

Overall, being a great chef requires a combination of technical, creative, and interpersonal skills, as well as a deep passion for food and cooking.

How much influence do celebrity/TV chefs have on what ordinary people cook?

Celebrity/TV chefs can have a significant influence on what ordinary people cook, as they often have a large platform and a broad audience that they can reach through their shows, cookbooks, and social media channels. By showcasing new recipes, cooking techniques, and ingredients, celebrity/TV chefs can inspire people to try new things in the kitchen and to expand their culinary horizons.

One way that celebrity/TV chefs can influence what ordinary people cook is by introducing them to new or exotic ingredients that they may not have been familiar with before. For example, if a celebrity chef demonstrates how to cook with a lesser-known ingredient such as jackfruit or za’atar, it may encourage viewers to seek out these ingredients and experiment with them in their own cooking.

Another way that celebrity/TV chefs can influence what ordinary people cook is by promoting certain culinary trends or styles of cooking. For example, if a celebrity chef popularizes a particular type of cuisine such as Korean or Mexican, it may lead to an increase in demand for related ingredients and recipes.

However, it’s worth noting that not all ordinary people may be influenced by celebrity/TV chefs in the same way. Some people may be more inclined to try new recipes and ingredients based on what they see on TV, while others may be more likely to stick with familiar and comfortable dishes. Additionally, factors such as personal taste, dietary restrictions, and cultural background can also play a role in what people choose to cook.

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